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Do you need to be heard?

Are you ready to heal?

Now Available for Online Sessions


Trauma Healing Therapy  - Integrative Psychotherapy - Counselling - Coaching 


About Esteban Romero -
Spiritual Trauma Healer

I have worked in the healing industry for over ten years, and my personal experience is rich in many layers. I am an indigenous (Mapuche) from Chile. I am a traveller, an immigrant, a homosexual and a healer with a deep spiritual connection to Mother Nature and our relationship with the Universe. I have learned to laugh about myself and confront my personal demons, experiences and frustrations. As a result, I have infinite compassion for others' journeys.

My healing sessions are mainly based on my values as an indigenous person who believes in "healing the body through the soul". Therefore, I use the principles of Trauma Therapy (or somatic therapy), Psychotherapy, Counselling and First Aid in mental health. In addition, I include the different techniques and practices I have learned through my journey.

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Erika, Sydney

"My life has changed a lot since I discovered a way to begin to heal that part of me that keeps many sad memories. Esteban helps me understand where my present insecurities come from, to accept myself and forgive myself;  I feel committed to healing for the first time."

How I Can Help You?

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